R 250
Countering fraud
CPD Accreditation detail
Professional Body: IOBSA
CPD hour allocation: CPD Hours (online learning): 2 CPD hours
CPD Accreditation Number: IOB190
What is fraud and how can it be prevented? Understand that fraud can dramatically affect the quality of life of its victims, and the employees of its victims, resulting in job losses, the loss of savings and investments, weakened trust in public institutions and a significant strain on resources.
Learners will gain sufficient and appropriate knowledge and understanding of:
- What is fraud?
- Why should we care about fraud?
- Who are the victims of fraud?
- Types of occupational fraud
- Fraud schemes committed by employees
- Why do people commit fraud?
- What are behavioural red flags of fraud?
- What can be done to prevent fraud?
- What can I do to protect my organisation?