R 340
Diversity and Inclusion
CPD Accreditation detail
Professional Body: Institute of Bankers South Africa (IOBSA)
CPD hour allocation: CPD Hours (online learning): 3 CPD hours
CPD registration number: IOB213
By the end of this workshop, you will:
- Understand what diversity and inclusion and its related terms mean
- Be aware of how aware you are of diversity and where you can improve
- Understand how changes in the world have affected you and your view
- Be able to identify your stereotypes
- Understand what terms are politically correct and which are not, and why
- Be familiar with the four cornerstones of diversity and how to embrace inclusion
- Understand what the pitfalls are relating to diversity and how to avoid them
- Develop a technique for dealing with inappropriate behaviour
- Develop a management style to encourage diversity and inclusion
- Know what to do if you or one of your employees feels discriminated against
At the end of this course, the learner will have core knowledge of the following:
In the past ten years, the workforce has changed dramatically. More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique.
The challenge becomes: how can we make these diverse individuals work as a team? We all know what happens to organisations that don’t have effective teamwork, they fail. Failing to embrace diversity can also have serious legal costs for corporations.