From this page you can register to the platform; follow the instructions below and fill in the fields properly.
  • You must fill the mandatory fields, marked with the symbol *
  • The password must contain at least 6 characters
  • The password must contain characters and numbers

Privacy policy
Any information collected by us, relating to an identifiable person, shall be used only in accordance with the procedures and for the purposes that are here acknowledged to the data subject and where the latter, as required by law, has expressely consented.

- User login and private area
- User newsletter
- User custom content purpose

In handling this information, accuracy and precision shall be met to ensure the integrity and quality of the processed personal data, if you have any question please contact us.
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System Administrator
Assupol CPD 22/23 (6/7/22)
00 Sept 2020
RMA - CPD 2022/2023 (4/7/2022)
RE 18 - 30 september
Test description